
Friday, May 24, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 20, 2013

The Connecticut Emergency Medical Services Annual Awards
Presentation was held today at the State Capitol Building.

Congratulations goes out to the following recipients and award winners
Governor's Award- For EMS Organizations
New Britain Emergency Medical Services
CT Public Health Commissioner's Award-For Individual Impact
Gregory Allard, American Ambulance Service
Gerald Ferrari - For "Behind the Scene" Supporters of EMS
Chris Bowen, Eastford Fire & Rescue Sales
Paul Winfield Smith Award - For Educational Excellence
Raffaella Coler, Hartford Hospital
Dr. A.E. Hetzler Knox Award - Excellence of Lifetime Service
Judith Reynolds, Essex Ambulance
Distinguished Achievement Award
Robert Ziegler, Emergency Resource Management
George A Ganung Volunteer of the Year Award
Ron Hammer, Darien EMS Post 53
Legislator of the Year Award
Representative Jason Perillo, 113th District
Senator Terry Gerratana, 6th District

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fire Museum Open House Saturday, May 18

Home     Info     The Collection     Education/Tours  
The Society     Membership     News      Links    Contact Us     Store
Welcome to The Fire Museum.  Located in the heart of the Cheney National Historic District, The Fire Museum is housed in a retired 1901 fire station with a unique atmosphere that saw the transition from hand drawn to horse drawn, then to motorized apparatus.  In addition to a working Gamewell Fire Alarm System, our collection includes hundreds of fine examples of early American craftsmanship related to firefighting such as glassware, lighting, leather making, photography, textiles and paintings.
Opening Day For The 2013 Season Will Be April 13th from 11:00am to 4:00pm
This years featured exhibit will be a photographic compilation from the Connecticut Fire Photographers Association.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

East Haven L1205 MDA Poker Run

9th Annual MDA Motorcycle Poker Run
(Cars welcomed too)

Sponsored by

East Haven Firefighters Local 1205 

Sunday April 28, 2013

Smitty's Eastside Cafe
212 Main St - East Haven
next door to Fire HQ

Registration/Breakfast 8:30am-10:00am

$25 per hand played

card at start and finish

Beautiful shoreline run with 3 stops

Hot Dogs at end of run

Up to 2 additional cards can be purchased for $5 each
at end of ride but only 5 cards can be played

Cash/Trophy prizes for 1st,2nd,3rd and last

Contact Joe Ciscone at (203) 500-9648 or

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

4th Annual Silver City Fire Fest - 7/20/13 - Meriden, CT

The Connecticut Fire Photographers Association and the Southern Connecticut Antique Fire Apparatus Collectors are pleased to co-sponsor the 4th Annual Silver City Fire Fest, a day for fire buffs, emergency vehicle model builders, photographers, in-service and collector-owned emergency vehicles, and anyone interested in emergency services as a hobby or career.

Date/Time: Saturday 7/20/13 - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: The Executive Inn and Suites (formerly The Comfort Inn)
900 East Main Street Meriden, CT
Admission: $5.00 for adults, children 12 and under free

Featuring: Indoor model displays, photo displays, video
presentations, and vendors selling firematic items.

Outdoor displays of in-service and collector-owned
emergency vehicles.

Food vendor services provided by

For additional information and to reserve display space, vehicle space, and/or vendor space, please contact Mike Quinn at (203) 213-3056 There is no charge to display; vendor space available for $50.00 per 4x8table

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ems day at the state capitol!!!!!!!

The Council of Regional Chairpersons (CORC)
in conjunction with the
State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Office of Emergency
Medical Services
cordially invites you to attend the
State of Connecticut EMS Awards.

Monday, May 20, 2013

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

New Britain Emergency Medical Service, New Britain, CT
Gregory Allard, American Ambulance Service, Norwich, CT
Chris Bowen, Eastford Fire & Rescue Sales, Eastford, CT
Raffaella Coler, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT
Ron Hammer, Darien EMS Post 53, Darien, CT
Judith Reynolds, Region 2 EMS Coordinator
Robert Ziegler, Emergency Resource Management, Portland, CT
Representative Jason Perillo
Senator Terry Gerratana

Connecticut State Capitol - Old Judiciary Room
210 Capitol Avenue ∙ Hartford, CT

Mva on our trip to Florida